Thursday, April 16, 2009

Week In Review

We had a great day out last week with Jim, Krystin and Josie. Here are a couple of shots of them at Imbibe grabbing a bite.

One of me taking over the humvee stroller. Now I know why women rule the sidewalk while driving these urban vehicles.

Now for the weekend in Las Vegas with Bob and Kaci.

Kaci and I ruled Susan and Bob at the Euchre table on Saturday 7-1. Bob and I then ruled the table on Sunday against Susan and Kaci 2-1.

Those two ruled at the dining table with an awesome set up of colossal crab, mashed potatoes, grilled shrimp, grilled asparagus and grilled portobello mushroom.

Then a quick shot from LAS before we headed into the airport for the trip home.

As we stalked Krystin yesterday, we took a shot of their flowers and Japanese Maple between the sidewalk and street. Nice to see the colors popping up all over the place.

Now it's our turn to get moving on the back yard and deck. We will post some before and afters once we have completed the work!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Osa Peninsula - Photo Gallery

In order to close out the Costa Rica posts, I have decided to just embed the summary photo gallery from the trip at this point.

Click on the pic to enjoy!

Costa Rica 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Osa Peninsula - Birds

Here are some pics of birds we were able to capture on our trip.

Note that we did not get a good picture of the Macaus but, they were all around and very cool.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ode To Hugo - Year 1

Well we have had the beast for a full year now and decided to do a web album of the past year dedicated to Hugo.

If you click on the picture, it will open up into a larger window, which you can then choose to view the slideshow.

The photos speak for themselves...

From Hugo -A Year In Reflection

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Osa Peninsula - Sea Life

Since we spent most of our time in the rainforest, we have very little photos/footage from the water. We can share a few things though.

Here is momma Sea Slug and baby sunning themselves in a tidal pool. The link may or may not be the slug in question.

And now for the Bottle Nose Dolphins.

We were set up by Bosque Del Cabo for the day with Brian. Great guy and he headed us in the right direction for dolphin watching, hanging on the beach and a short but ok snorkeling adventure.

Before we got on the boat, we did see a Sea Turtle by the pier. Dare I say, first Sea Turtle sighting!

When we found the Dolphins, there were about 40-50 animals in the vicinity and it was super cool.

Unfortunately the video on our camera had weird vertical streaks and is a little choppy but, here it is anyway.

Good news is we turned the camera back into Best Buy when we returned and got the new Powershot SD960 IS which features a whopping 12 megapixels and HD video. Now that's what we call a score.