Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shoes On A Wire

Oh, how we miss the good old days when shoes on a wire really meant something rather than just a "cool" thing to do.  At least they have the lucky number 13!

On to more kid friendly topics, we have Josie James swingin her heart out at the local park...

This is a cool shot of what looks to be a Weeping Cherry Blossom Tree...

 Dandy Lion going to seed...

And if you must know, I had some scrambled eggs with fresh chives (from the garden box) and cheddar cheese for breakfast...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Into Thin Air

Finished the book written by Jon Krakauer the other night. Great read about climbing Everest.

Highly recommended.  A little slow to start but, then becomes almost impossible to put down.

Here is the link to it on Amazon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Forward!

Well not until Saturday officially.  However, this did not stop Hugo from celebrating early.

Just so ya know, this is what we have to contend with.  As noted in this earlier post, this dog was not made for keeping four paws on the ground, despite his potential back issues.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Get your green on!   It's that day of the year again.

Josie turns One year old today.  Happy B-Day Josie James!

Might need a beer soon since we need to tackle taxes crap again.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Strikers Of Sweden

We had a small scare the other day but, Marilyn only sprained her ankle this time around.

Susan was good enough to makeshift a hospital toy to make the time pass faster for Marilyn...

On to Sweden...  I received the tubes of delicious cheese in the mail as well.  Took a good three weeks for my b-day present to arrive.

Cheese with...
  • Reindeer meat
  • Caviar
  • Crayfish
  • Shrimp

Helan gar as they say!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Feeling Crabby

Just to continue with the remaining portion of our recent road trip, we drove from Coos Bay to Portland on Thursday.

Susan had the great idea on Wednesday to call the Portland crew (Evyl K) to potentially organize a crab feast at our house after we arrived on Thursday.  The response was stellar and Evyl was able to pre-book 12 participants.

We hit Local Ocean Seafoods in Newport Bay to purchase the crustaceans and anybody that loves Dungeness Crab can appreciate this...

7 crabs in all.  And they turned out to be very tasty...

Great end to a long and fruitful trip.  Thanks to all our friends up and down the coast!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Coo Coo Cachoo

We awoke to to an amazing day on the California coast on Wednesday.  This was definitely a treat and a great day for the drive to Coos Bay Oregon.

We got in some more redwood sightings and other dramatic surprises that you will have to review the full post to get the full dose.

Feeling a little horny in Arcata in the morning...

We popped into Trinidad for some lunch at the Seascape Restaurant at the base of the Pier.  I would have to say, pretty good clam chowder and Susan and I split a crab Cocktail.  This makes 4 Dungeness Crab and 2 Alaska King Crab meals up to 3-10-2010.

Nice shots of the bay...

Various nautical items...

I promised surprises and let me just say, this was way lucky!  We spotted not one, but TWO herds of wild Roosevelt Elk.  One of the herds was right off the freeway grazing and we were able to get super close in the car.  Pretty cool I must say...

To really get good shots of the second herd, we had to hike back a ways around Elk Meadow.

We saw plenty of Skunk Cabbage on our walk as well...

On to Klamath CA, which provided us with loads of entertainment and fudge to boot (espresso & maple nut, quarter pound each).

WTF?  Giant Paul Bunyan and Babe The Blue Ox at the ever so strange Trees of Mystery...

This gives one cause to re-evaluate the term blue balls...

Now for the finale, we drove through a Redwood Tree in Klamath CA (We also did the Chandelier Tree the previous day).

Avenue Of The Giants

Off to Arcata on Tuesday.  I thought I would go ahead and include a round trip map and as you can see, the total trip was most likely over 1400 miles.

Of course, we need a mandatory Golden Gate Bridge photo on the way out of town...

On to the highlights of the days drive... REDWOODS.

Here are some photos from along the trip...

And when you are in Humboldt county (where they grow and smoke the wacky tobacky in prodigious quantities, not to mention the methheads), one can't be surprised by Yeti fever...


Finally opened that store we've been talkin' about...

Now that's some serious wood...

Not as serious as this however...

Hugo Knot sittin' in a tree...

Where's Waldo?

Oh, there he is....


Great day all around.  Coos Bay drive up next.

San Francisco Treat

The 3 nights/2 Days in SF were a whirlwind of fun and seeing old pals.  Loads of fun and we were even treated to a short hail storm while we were there.

Sunday entailed surprising Prez at the 500 Club.  We arrived first and then Phredd came in to great fanfare.  We also hit the Lucky 13 with a decent sized group since Lotta was working.

We had Alaska King Crab the night before with Heather & Doug and I used the leftovers to prepare a great scrambled eggs with crab and mozzarella.

Fawzi, Heather & Phredd...

John went home and grabbed his camera (which was awesome) and he put these up on Flickr.  Click on the link and the slide show button upper right.

Then on Monday, Susan, Heather, Doug & Emma Jean hit the payground...

Then we all met up at the Zeitgeist where we were treated to hail.  It was a blast to hang with the likes of Mimi, Deano and the gang.  This was the hail from that day...

On Tuesday, before we hit the road to Arcata CA, I felt I had earned the right to wear the Beer Goggles...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

San Francisco Or Bust

Based on the fact that Phredd was flying out from Manhattan to SF this week, we packed up the car and the Hugonot and headed South.  Drove 10 hours straight through on Saturday and arrived at Heather & Doug's around 6:30pm.

Here are some photos from the trip down...

Mt. Shasta...

Black Butte...

Speeding Ticket (Shite!)...


Golden Field...

Cool Sky Shot...