We had a great time (kudos to the staff at Bosque Del Cabo) and were able to bear through the heat and humidity without too much problem.
Here is a shot from our flight over from San Jose on Sansa Airlines to Puerto Jimenez. Just as an FYI, might be wiser to fly Nature Air as they have dual turbo props and can handle the windy conditions better. We definitely had a rough ride back to San Jose (white knuckling if ya know what I'm sayin).
Arrival in Bosque Del Cabo! The long haired gent is the son of the owner and he road in with us from the airport. The ride from Puerto Jimenez is about 40 minutes and pretty bumpy.
Frogalicious! This little fella was hanging out by the Pool.
We found this creepy crawly in our Cabina (La Paz) rafters munching down on a large Katydid (At least thats what we think it is). We thought best to just leave them alone.
First Coati sighting!
Here is good ole Toucan Sam Hanging in the canopy.
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