Sunday, July 11, 2010

Baby Tsunami In The Making

As you may have noticed we have another baby count down on the left margin of the site.  Having impeccable sources allows us to give insight where most are in the dark (as noted from our previous post alluding to the inevitable). 

That said, our sources are once again giving us a heads up.  We hope (strange to say that) to have another surprise offspring to feature soon as well.

Molicious is due in...  count em... 10 days!

Susan headed down to Silverton on Friday to hang out with Maria and the gang and she spotted these old codgers with their sweet rides...

This one says it is a Cygnett with a 1920 emblem on the grill.  Having outsourced my collective knowledge base to the interwebs some time ago, I was surprised to find that I know basically nothing about this vehicle...

Whatever.  Off to do some shopping downtown in the big city and then grab lunch with Andrea at Veritable Quandry (their site is down so this is Citysearch info).  Perfect day for it and hope to get a table outside.

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