Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fries With That Order?

Seems Germany's soccer fans are revolting against their prized Cephalopod.  The poor genius is getting death threats and apparently they want to eat him.  Octopus is tasty but, have some compassion for the love of God.

Spain might take it all and wondering what the Pus will predict.  Either way, I am rooting for the Netherlands. Goooo Clockwork Orange!

Our little genius managed to tear his dew claw yesterday and he is paying the price for it...

Instead of sliced, fried roots, I am inclined to run to the Portland Pet Supply and get him his favorite treat, The Himalayan Dog Chew.  He loves these and this will definitely keep him from chewing his bandage.  Step Away From The Bandage!


MoniqueS said...

Our dogs love those too! Boiled yak milk left to dry for weeks, yum!

Andy & Susan said...

What's not to love?