Friday, June 11, 2010

Deadheads, Soccer and BBQ. Why The Hell Not!

Due to our record rainfall so far in June, the roses in this city of roses have not fared well.

According to the Sunnyside rain gauge, we have gotten 4.48" of rain not even mid way into the month.  The Portland proper record is 4.06".  So, I will claim a record for our hood!

Hence, it has come to this (event was actually last week in Ladd's Addition but, I decided it was worth a post after all)...

Here is a snapshot of Ladd's Addition that shows the central rose garden, well in the the center...

We are stuck on roots this year for some reason...

And a hearty hello to you too...

Can't wait for the amazing weekend.

FIFA Soccer tomorrow. Gooooo USA! Kick those frickin' limey's asses! Oh right, I am purportedly half Brit and half Mexican. Go Mexico (tied SA 1-1 earlier) and I suppose, by default,  I win either way if USA or Britain wins (that is really pretty lame).

Sunday bloody Sunday with a bold grill party planned around 4pm. Planning on marinating a pork loin in teriyaki after I spike it with crushed garlic, some fresh fish and an Asian salad.  I say Bring It!

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